Creative Message Strategy Coke

The Big Idea

Behind every effective advertisement there is a big idea or a creative concept that implements the advertising strategy so that the message is both attention getting and memorable.

A big idea is one that is expressed both visually and verbally. Here the big idea about Coca-Cola brand in which earthquake campaign is the main point of concern and it is given as follows:

“Come and Join hands with Coca-Cola to re-establish people of Peshawar and of northern areas of Pakistan and make them to rise again”

This big idea for Coca-Cola is that the Coca-Cola brand is going to help the earth quake victims who are striving for their lives and for better future as well. This will also creates the positive image for Coca Cola brand as well as for its company.

There is a public message to use Coca-Cola drink to quench their thrust. This message will motivate the people that if they buy one Coca-Cola bottle, than they will contribute in  saving lives and building up the future of earth quake victims of northern areas of Pakistan.

This approach will motivate not only the new customers to purchase it but also switch the other customers towards Coca-Cola Soft Drink. The Pakistani Nation is quite emotional, so this message will definitely touch their souls and will have strong feelings.

For the second campaign to be carried out for the rest of year, the big idea is as following:

“The Life of Coca-Cola is full of fun and entertainment”

This big idea focuses on the enjoyment side of life. This means that the ads shown will be delivering a message of pleasure. It is symbolizing the Coca-Cola with fun of life with an indirect message of enjoy the ice before it melts. Similarly life is a great gift from nature to human beings. The target market being selected for this purpose is also youngsters who know the true meaning of life and want to enjoy it in all circumstances in order to get maximum benefit from it. So in order to motivate the target market and make life pleasurable these campaigns will be carried out. 
This message will further be used in the whole IMC plan and will be added with audio video and graphical programs.

Hard and Soft Sell Strategies

Hard sell is an information message that is designed to touch the mind and create a response based on logic. While the soft sell uses the emotional appeal or image to create the response based on attitudes, moods, feelings etc.

Here in this IMC plan our goal is all about the Soft Sell approach and from the previous advertisement of the Coca-Cola is also revealed that the company uses soft sell approach in their messages as well.
Above mentioned big idea is all about the soft sell which will create an emotional appeal among customers and motivate them towards its usage.

Head & Heart Strategy

After setting the objectives to guide the message, second step is to define the hard sell, soft sell and head and heart strategies.

The think and feel dimensions sometimes also referred as head and heart strategies. It has two types of essence like xyz rational essence and xyz emotional essence. But according to our Big Idea for Coca-Cola will be having heart strategy which is about emotional dimension.

This is further explained as well.
Coca-Cola Emotional Essences: More feelings, emotional attachment, social welfare, motivation, feelings of pleasure and happiness.

Selling Premises

Above discussion about the message strategies and its objectives all are about emotional appeal. But the selling premises are all about the logic behind the sales offer. It is usually a rational approach. It identifies the reason that why this appeal or motivate the customers to respond in a defined manner. It focuses on the benefits, promise, reason, and USP which are explained one by one:

Benefit: The taste of the Coca-Cola is very good and people of the Pakistan are enjoying it a lot. So the benefit is obvious but at the same time by buying this brand they will feel happy internally through its taste and socially because they will feel that they practically participate in the welfare of their own country.

Promise: Here the promise means that the Coca-Cola brand is saying to help the northern areas people so they will do it in actual and that fund raising will defiantly used for their help.

Reason Why: Coca-Cola brand advertisement has a clear answer to the question that why customer uses this brand instead of others. This brand offer the core benefits like quench the thrust and is of good taste quality brand but the additional benefit that is to offer its participative role for the well being of earth victims of northern areas of Pakistan. By this they will get clear answer that why they should use this product.

USP (Unique Selling Proposition): Here the unique selling preposition is the sense of joining the hands with Coca-Cola to raise them again. Means come and join this brand that is helping the northern people of earth quake victims

This product also distinguishes itself from others as, that no any one else soft drink brand playing this role for the earth quake victims. . Similarly, Coca-Cola is using another campaign to address the other aspect of life by using the idea of “The Life of Coca-Cola is full of fun and entertainment” which shows that how to enjoy life in true spirits and what is the meaning and importance of life for anyone.

Image Advertising (soft sell): Association

The familiar brand Coca-Cola is recognized for its positioning as fun and entertainment. It makes its associations with the fun and entertainment nut. According to IMC objective the brand will create its “association with the earth quake victims of northern areas of Pakistan and of Peshawar region”.
Similarly it will also create association with young generation by showing them “Mazay ka Naam Coca-Cola”. This means that how young generation can enjoy their lives with true fun. This creates an association with target market by focusing on the strong taste and enjoyment element as Coke is having how much concern related to their happiness. This is motivating the youngsters to buy coke.
Coca-Cola’s association with the earth quake victim will be prove very effective strategy to win the hearts of nation of Pakistan because the people of Pakistan are very emotional and they will understand this theme in more appropriate way.  Coca-Cola’s new association theme will give it new strength and it will become more trustworthy with strong brand image.

Message Approach

Societal role: Here is the most important element which is the approach of the message. The message approach is societal marketing. That is well being of the society which is always desired from the organization and usually organizations ignore this aspect. Brand Coca-Cola is playing its social role as fund raising for the well being of the earth victims in Pakistan.

Marketing Role: Coca-Cola is playing its marketing role like its competitors do but in a different way. During all of the campaigns being carried out whole year it is not only focusing on the selling of the company’s product but also is trying to play with emotions of people through helping the earthquake victims. This builds a good image of its company in the minds of its customers and other people also.

Communication Role: Coca-Cola is also trying to play its communication role by using different mediums in order to address all the perspectives of customers’ pleasure and satisfaction by touching their emotions. It is using print media, television and billboards for delivering its message.
Creative Message Strategy Coke Creative Message Strategy Coke Reviewed by Unknown on June 17, 2010 Rating: 5

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